terça-feira, maio 08, 2007

Pobres esquerdistas, então como agora....

Da esquecida Janet Greene, duas jóias anti-esquerdistas que nem de propósito

Poor left winger...
Poor Left-Winger: Janet Greene [1966]

I’m just a poor left-winger
Befuddled, bewildered, forlorn
Duped by a bearded singer
Peddling his Communist corn
In the Café Expresso
Sounds of guitars could be heard
Twanging a plaintive folk song
Spreading the Communist word
Hair hung around his shoulders
And sandals were on his feet
His shirttail was ragged and dirty
Making the picture complete

I followed him off to college
The man that I came to adore
Where student demonstrations
Blocked every classroom door
We led the march on the White House
And forced the cops to come in
We claimed each one was brutal
As we kicked him in the shin
It was all so intellectual
What glorious tales I was told
Of history’s certain progress
Into the Communist fold

I fell for those empty falsehoods
But now I know full well
Those little words on the posters
Were all that he could spell
Those dialectic phrases
Made a marvelous spiel
But hidden behind that beard
Beat the heart of a frustrated heel
Now all my illusions are shattered
About the man I admired
I’m just a poor left-winger
Befuddled, bewildered and tired!

Fascist threat?

3 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Caro Verdadeiro-Engenheiro,

A bela Janet Greene andava tão «esquecida» que eu - confesso - nunca tinha ouvido falar nela.

Como diria o Ramires, «bem-hajas» pela revelação.

O Internauta Descerebrado (e Inculto)

o engenheiro disse...

Pois é, por vezes há desconhecimentos imperdoáveis!
Just kidding. Confesso que também foi uma surpresa para mim. Na altura era conhecida como a anti-Baez. Tenho mais musiquinhas dela que na altura devida postarei. É um velho ícone do ódio liberal

Anónimo disse...
